
¶¶ÒõÖ±²¥ aims to ensure a safe and comfortable community environment and culture.

¶¶ÒõÖ±²¥ is committed to both:

  • applying the highest standards of legal, ethical and moral practice and behaviour; and
  • nurturing a workplace environment and culture where people can talk openly about any issues of concern and work towards constructive resolution.

As such, the Whistleblowers in Anglican Education Policy & Procedure provide the foundation in which the Policy Audience are able to report, without fear of retaliatory action, concerns about any serious instances of Wrongdoing that they believe may be occurring within any area of an Anglican School.

This reporting is defined as Whistleblowing: the deliberate, voluntary disclosure of individual or organisational Wrongdoing by a person who has or had privileged access to data, events or information about an actual, suspected or anticipated Wrongdoing within or by an organisation that is within its ability to control.

Whilst it is permitted for Protected Disclosures to be made anonymously, the reality is that anonymous disclosures will provide potential limitations that will likely inhibit a proper and robust investigation to occur. In any case, anonymous disclosures will be investigated to the maximum extent permitted by the anonymity. However this should be considered by the Whistleblower prior to making a disclosure.

The most appropriate Eligible Recipient for a protected disclosure is normally a person located at the College in question, which Geoff McLay (Principal) is the Eligible Recipient under the policy.

However, if the issue relates in the following scenarios:

  • Principal of the College, then Mr Bruce Sackson (Chair of College Council) is the Eligible Recipient under the policy.
  • Chair of the College Council, then Sherril Butterworth (Executive Director at Anglican Schools Commission) is the Eligible Recipient under the policy.

Eligible Recipients

Phone: 3813 4555
Email: principal.disclosure@wmac.com.au

Chair of College Council
Phone: 3813 4555
Email: collegechair.disclosure@wmac.com.au

Executive Director - Anglican Schools Commission
Phone: 3835 2251
Email: ASCWhistleblower@anglicanchurchsq.org.au

Prior to making a protected disclosure under the policy, audience members are strongly encouraged to read and consider the Whistleblower Policy & Procedure, as listed on the College website, to determine the most appropriate Eligible Recipient for your disclosure.

If you wish to discuss the process of the Whistleblower program, or gain further clarity on the Policy or Procedure, please contact one of the below Whistleblower Protection Officers:

Janelle Lecinski - Deputy Principal

Jackie Britz - Director of Human Resources

Julie Welsh - Risk Management and Compliance Coordinator

Phone: 3813 4555