
Professional Learning is key to ensuring quality and innovative teaching strategies.

Teachers at WestMAC continually engage in a range of professional and school improvement strategies. The Professional Engagement Program (PEP) links with existing strategies focusing on the provision of quality teaching and learning at the College and meets external requirements for the implementation of professional growth strategies in school settings required at the state and federal level.

The program is underpinned by research into effective teacher development processes and adult learning and acknowledges the complex nature of teachers’ practice, knowledge and responsibilities outlined in the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (APST) (AITSL, 2011).

The program is based on the following principles:

  • Enhancing learning drives the program; learning for teachers and for students.
  • Educators at WestMAC are empowered and responsible for planning, monitoring and communicating their career aspirations, ongoing professional growth goals and improvements in student learning and engagement.
  • Enhancing the confidence and professional practice of educators is a developmental and continual learning process that occurs over time through sustained reflection and collaboration.
  • Educators at different career stages (APST) have choice and flexibility as to how they engage with a range of professional growth practices in order to enhance student learning and engagement.
  • Professional engagement goals and strategies align with school priorities and the strategic plan.
  • Individual professional growth is balanced with the need for professional accountability.
  • Appropriate resources including the allocation or reallocation of existing time or human resources are essential to the overall sustainability and effectiveness of the program.
  • Positive, inclusive and clear two-way communication processes are integral to effective professional engagement and growth.

PEP Explained

PEP is teacher-driven; allowing for choice and personalisation specific to the teacher’s professional learning needs and teaching context. The program moves through phases of inquiry including: professional reflection and scanning, formulating an inquiry question, learning and trialling new things in the classroom and gauging impact on student learning.

Professional Engagement through Phases of Inquiry