
All-inclusive Fees

The College's fee structure includes all:

  • Core curriculum activities.
  • Textbooks.
  • Standard camps.
  • Excursions which form part of the curriculum.
  • TAS and Junior TAS Sports.
  • Participation in the performing arts.

Additional charges will be levied for any optional camps, musical instrumental hire and other items listed under other charges. The Parents & Friends Association (P&F) also manage a Bookpack system which supplies all stationary requirements for the students.

Year in Advance Discount Benefit

A discount of 5% on the tuition component of fees is offered to families who pay the total annual fees by the commencement of Term 1. This discount is not applicable to students who have been awarded scholarships.

Early Payment Discount Benefit

Any account paid in full three weeks prior to the term’s due date will be rewarded with $50 early payment discount.

One $50 discount will be applied to a full year's fees paid in advance.

Sibling Discounts Benefit

The College will automatically provide a discount from the tuition fees for any second or subsequent children enrolled concurrently under the same parent account.

  • Second child – 5% of the tuition fees
  • Third child – 10% of the tuition fees
  • Fourth child – 15% of the tuition fees, and
  • Fifth and subsequent children – 50% of the tuition fees.

  • Sibling discount is applied to children in order from Year 12 to Prep. It does not apply for families on any other form of discount.

    Defence Department Concession

    Parents and guardians who identify themselves to the College as full-time members of the Defence Force, with appropriate evidence, shall be entitled to a concession of 5% from their tuition fees. This reduction is applied in recognition of the unique nature of Defence Service and the ties that exist between the Defence Force and the College. This concession shall be applied in addition to any other applicable fee reduction.

    Quick & Easy Payment Options

    WestMAC offers several ways to make payments to the College:

    • BPAY
    • Direct debit, and
    • Cash, cheque or EFTPOS (credit or debit) in person, by mail or telephone.

    For more information contact our Account Receivable Officer accounts@wmac.com.au.