抖阴直播's wellbeing program is designed to provide the necessary support and guidance needed by students
to successfully navigate their middle schooling years.
facilitate the transition from the Junior School to the Senior School, students entering the Middle School in Years 7 and
8 will be placed into groups based around their core subjects (Maths, Science,
English and Social Science). The composition of each class is based on a
variety of factors such as social, emotional and academic ability with emphasis
placed on creating a learning environment where each student can flourish. In
Years 7 and 8 the students will have two core teachers (Maths/Science and
English/Social Science) whereas in Year 9, students experience will be more
akin to their Senior School counterparts.
Each year level will be led by a Head of Year and will progress
with their assigned cohort through Years 7 to 9. It is the responsibility
of the Head of Year to maintain and improve the wellbeing of all students under
their care.
The Middle School has its own Student Wellbeing Coordinator who is
responsible for the development and coordination of an effective and
sustainable wellbeing program. Based on positive education research, this program
provides students with a set of strategies to flourish no matter the
situation they find themselves in.
Students attend a weekly student
wellbeing class called 'SpiritED'. This program is designed to be age appropriate and responsive to the needs of students.
All students are placed into one
of five Houses for the duration of their schooling. The Houses provide an
effective avenue to build whole of Middle School community, House Spirit, a
sense of belonging and healthy competition. These Houses are led by House
Patrons who oversee House meetings and inter-house activities.
Student wellbeing is achieved through the following activities:
- SpiritED Classes
- Religious and Values Education (RAVE)
- Year level Assemblies
- Sub-school Assemblies
- House events and meetings
- Social events
- Chapel
- Voluntary faith exploration groups
- Camps
- Leadership program
- Transitions program