
All inclusive opportunities and specialised teaching for adolescents.

The middle school years and the transition to adolescence represents a time of rapid and significant development, which can be challenging for both students and parents. Our Private Middle Secondary School offers a safe and nurturing environment, enabling students in Years 7 to 9 to make decisions and solve problems, with the guidance of specialist teachers. Our staff mentor and encourage our students to positively form a sense of identity, image and self-worth.

Middle Schooling fosters the growth of greater independence and self-reliance. Students are encouraged to be flexible, responsive to change and have an aptitude for continuous improvement.

A Middle School student is characterised by passion and enthusiasm, a need for social connectedness and independence, a curious and inquiring mindset along, with a strong sense of justice.

The Middle School engages in The WestMAC Way, which is guided by our three ways of being which aim to build resilient, respectful and responsible individuals:

  • Be prepared and engaged
  • Be kind to yourself, others and your environment
  • Be courageous

These pillars form our identity and what we do each and every day. Furthermore, in regards to teaching and learning, the principles of the Middle School philosophy include:

  • well-rounded learning that is student-centred
  • teaching for understanding and higher-order thinking
  • empowering students to take charge of their own learning
  • collaborative learning and teaching
  • strong sense of community with a relational focus
  • safe and supportive learning environments
  • seamless transitions from the Junior School into the Senior School

Reach out and learn more about Middle School

鈥淢iddle School is not about the end product of our children preparing for the outside world. Instead, we鈥檙e all about adolescence. For our students, this time in their life can be a little bit daunting, emotions can be unpredictable, mistakes can often be made however, this is where the real learning and change happens. It鈥檚 providing challenges which seem impossible at first, but with preparation, courage and perseverance, these obstacles are overcome.鈥
鈥 Mr John Chalvatzis - Head of Middle School
Student Wellbeing

抖阴直播's wellbeing program is designed to provide the necessary support and guidance needed by students to successfully navigate their middle schooling years.

To facilitate the transition from the Junior School to the Senior School, students entering the Middle School in Years 7 and 8 will be placed into groups based around their core subjects (Maths, Science, English and Social Science). The composition of each class is based on a variety of factors such as social, emotional and academic ability with emphasis placed on creating a learning environment where each student can flourish. In Years 7 and 8 the students will have two core teachers (Maths/Science and English/Social Science) whereas in Year 9, students experience will be more akin to their Senior School counterparts.

Each year level will be led by a Head of Year and will progress with their assigned cohort through Years 7 to 9. It is the responsibility of the Head of Year to maintain and improve the wellbeing of all students under their care.

The Middle School has its own Student Wellbeing Coordinator who is responsible for the development and coordination of an effective and sustainable wellbeing program. Based on positive education research, this program provides students with a set of strategies to flourish no matter the situation they find themselves in.

Students attend a weekly student wellbeing class called 'SpiritED'. This program is designed to be age appropriate and responsive to the needs of students.

All students are placed into one of five Houses for the duration of their schooling. The Houses provide an effective avenue to build whole of Middle School community, House Spirit, a sense of belonging and healthy competition. These Houses are led by House Patrons who oversee House meetings and inter-house activities.

Student wellbeing is achieved through the following activities:

  • SpiritED Classes
  • Religious and Values Education (RAVE)
  • Year level Assemblies
  • Sub-school Assemblies
  • House events and meetings
  • Social events
  • Chapel
  • Voluntary faith exploration groups
  • Camps
  • Leadership program
  • Transitions program

Leadership program

The leadership program encompasses all year levels within the Middle School but culminates in Year 9. All students are encouraged to develop their leadership abilities through a highly strategic and targeted leadership program. The formal process of leadership begins in Year 8 where the students begin to experience leadership activities and training before undergoing the rigorous multi-stage year long selection process. Our Year 9 student leaders each have specific responsibilities such as academics, faith and service, the environment and cultural awareness but are collectively responsible for achieving a student vision for the Middle School through chosen projects and activities.

Transitions program

Student social and emotional wellbeing is very important in the Middle School. Our Transitions program have been developed to assist students to transition into the life of Middle School. This program starts in Year 6 and continues into the first few weeks of Year 7 and includes new student days, parent information sessions, orientation week, Year 7 Camp and other events in Years 6 and 7.

Years 7 and 8 Subjects

The Year 7 and 8 curriculum consists of core and specialist subjects. Core classes include:

  • English
  • Maths
  • History and Social Science (HASS)
  • Science
  • Music
  • Health and Physical Education/Athlete Development Program
  • Religious and Values Education (RAVE)
  • SpiritED

In Year 8, students study elective subjects including 1 Technology subject, 1 Arts Subject and 1 other. Students may choose from:

  • Food and Technology
  • Design Technology
  • Design
  • Art
  • Music
  • Drama Dance
  • Athlete Development
  • Chinese
  • Japanese
  • Language Support

Year 9 Subjects

In Year 9 electives include:

  • ICT
  • Art
  • Music
  • Drama
  • Design Technology
  • Dance
  • Japanese or Chinese
  • Design Arts
  • Graphics
  • Agricultural Sciences
  • Agricultural Practices
  • Recreational Studies
  • Athlete Development Program (ADP)
  • Home Economics
  • STEM
  • Business
  • Language Support

NB: Performance Subjects require an audition.