
Playing sport is vital to prepare students for essential career traits including team collaboration strategies, goal implementation and direction, as well as the enjoyment and satisfaction which comes from success and a strong team culture.

At ¶¶ÒõÖ±²¥, emphasis is placed on participation and building skills in an extensive range of sports.

More than 20 sporting activities are coached at the College and many are included as part of TAS - The Associated Schools sporting competition.

The College’s modern sporting facilities are extensive: there is a heated swimming pool, three sporting ovals, state of the art Cricket nets and turf and synthetic Cricket wickets there are also multi-court complexes for Tennis, Basketball, Netball and Volleyball.

Participation, individual excellence, endeavour and success in sport is acknowledged and rewarded at the College in recognition of the importance of sport in ensuring our students develop into balanced, healthy and happy individuals.

TAS Sport

¶¶ÒõÖ±²¥ is very proud to be a part of The Associated Schools (TAS) sporting competition each year.

To find out more about TAS, please click to view their video

Students in Years 7 to 12 take part in the TAS Sports competition. TAS has as its objective the promotion and conduct of various forms of interschool activities with a view to fostering a spirit of fellowship, sound educational practice and mutual support and assistance among its member schools.

The following sports are played on Saturday mornings in each Trimester:

  • Trimester 1: Boys' Cricket and Volleyball, Girls' Basketball, Football and Tennis
  • Trimester 2: Boys' Rugby Union and Tennis, Girls' Netball and Hockey
  • Trimester 3: Boys' Soccer and Basketball, Girls' Volleyball and Touch Football

The following Sports Carnivals are scheduled for the following terms:

  • Term 1: TAS Swimming Carnival
  • Term 2: TAS Cross Country Carnival
  • Term 3: TAS Athletics Carnival

Junior TAS Sport

Students Years 4 to 6 take part in the Junior TAS competition. Participation is the focus of the sports played in this competition.

Junior TAS students play the majority of their sport in a home and away format.

The following sports are played in each term:

  • Term 1: Swimming, Cricket, Hockey
  • Term 2: Cross Country, Netball, Rugby Union
  • Term 3: Athletics, Basketball, Soccer
  • Term 4: Tennis, Touch Football

In the Junior TAS competition modified rules and mercy rules apply, thus encouraging all levels of ability to be nurtured and developed.

Representative Sport

WestMAC is a member of the Western Ranges District School Sport.

Students are required to submit nominations for representative trials and from these nominations selected students are given the opportunity to compete at district level to earn a place in the Western Ranges District team at the Metropolitan West Regional Carnivals and trials.

Information about the nomination for representative sports is distributed to the students via the College App, email, daily notices and can be obtained at Sports Reception. All students must have nominated to the College PRIOR to the nomination dates. Students must not to nominate directly to the District or Met West.

Success at these carnivals can lead to State and National representation.

The representative pathway for school sport through WestMAC is as follows:



Western Ranges District School Sport


Met West


State representation


National representation

Interhouse Sports Carnivals

At ¶¶ÒõÖ±²¥, there is an Interhouse Carnival for Swimming, Cross Country and Athletics held for each of the sub-schools each year.

Students represent their houses - Gilmore, Lawson, Mackellar, Paterson and Wright - while competing in the various events offered. The carnivals are fun, active days where students demonstrate cohesive team work, exuberant team spirit and the pursuit of individual excellence. There is a strong emphasis on participation which sees everyone have a go, have fun and earn points for their house.

Reach out to learn more about WestMAC Sport

Sports Partners

Thank you for our Partners for supporting Sport at WestMAC: